What To Expect
What to Expect at Camp Liberté’s Camp Marcoux Location
Getting there is half the fun! Led by our Bus Counsellors, your bus ride to camp will have you so busy in all of the in-your-seats activities and friend-making-programming that you won’t even believe how fast it will feel getting to camp.
When you get to arrive, you will board upon the giant blue pontoon boat and will be greeted by our wacky, wild and wonderful Camp staff. Most of these young adults were campers like you! Many of them are studying towards careers in Helping professions and all of them love working with kids! Staff have special ‘Camp Names” and are always wearing costumes! When you get off the boat your staff will then take you on a tour which will include a check in with the camp medical staff followed by the Tropical island welcome party!
By then you will have worked up an appetite, in perfect time for supper. You will sit in your cabin groups for all of your meals where everyone cheers to get in the Lodge and the fun continues throughout! If it gets too loud for you we have a pole of noise-cancelling-headphones for you to help yourself to. We are a nut sensitive island and ask that no one brings any on the island. If you have an allergy or dietary need, no worries. Our chefs will pull out all of the stops to accommodate.
After supper you will get to settle into your cabins. Your own bunk bed that is built into the wall will have its own chalkboard bubble with your name on it. That way you know your spot and can personalize it with chalk graffiti.
At 8pm sharp every night we gather in a big all-camp circle around the flagpole. There we lower the flag and then head to Campfire to have snack, and ‘talent share’ where campers share everything from awesome magic tricks to stellar dance routines that they made as a cabin group!
Every morning at 8 am we begin our day with the whole camp gathered around the flagpole for our morning traditions and the singing of Oh Canada. This is the only activity we need to take seriously. Camp Maple Leaf was started by Military Veterans and we are a very patriotic camp.
The next 5 nights and 6 days will be full of fun, friendship, and camp spirit! Some of our activities include: Arts & Crafts, Indigenous Programming, Climbing Wall & Low Ropes, Sports, Archery, Swimming, Canoeing, Kayaking, Fishing with Sticks, and Row Boating. But Wait… There’s s’more! Lots of choice, cabin clean-up contests, campouts, all-camp evening programs, Red vs Blue: Island Games, lots of paint and even more sparkles!
Most of our activities are recreational but campers do get to focus on a camp skill of choice for approximately one hour a day. Whether it is learning to stern a canoe or catch fly balls at Baseball playing Rookie League- a program designed by the Toronto Blue Jays, they will definitely take home some transferable skills and a love for a recreation. One of our special Skills is our Musical Theatre Program. Campers audition on day one and on day 5 the campers put on an elaborate performance with music, costumes and sets for the whole camp! Plays from the past include, The Wizard of Oz, Jungle Book, Aladdin and The Lion King.
After dinner the campers can run free with supervised free-play around the island. For those who want to join in on one of our Hobby Hubbs, there is always something fun to do. Hobby Hubbs are an optional activity lead by a counsellor or a camper like yourself. This is where you can teach or share your hobby. It can be anything (un-plugged). From Cosplay to Bracelet Making to ukulele to Pokémon Camp Go to Physics Phun to Pick-Up basketball!. Our staff will help you set it up and get you what you need to run your own or you can join in on someone elses…the choice is yours!
Our last night ends with a banquet, Make-Your-Own Carnival and dance party!
The last morning we check-in our bags in, do a Super-Duper-Clean-Up, sign a camp plaque and each other’s t-shirts, share your contact information with your friends, have closing ceremonies and ride the busses home…very tired and very happy!
*For Campers who are turning 14 by the December after camp, you may want to join our F.L.I.T. program. This is an optional program that you will learn about on the opening night and can choose if you would like to be a part of it. The FLITS get to be regular campers and enjoy all of the fun and activities while getting leadership sessions, opportunities to help out with camp programs and lead campers. As a bonus to this experience, FLITs will earn volunteer hours.
Still, have questions? Please consult the Frequently Asked Questions for Parents or Children. If your question is not on the list, please email [email protected].